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English translation for "first chop"


Related Translations:
pork chops:  带骨猪排连骨头的猪排连骨猪排猪排
chopped strandmat:  细股垫
chopped ham:  碎火腿
chopping rotor:  切碎滚筒刀
cross chop:  十字切十字突
break chop:  粗磨粉粗碎谷粒
field chopping:  田间切碎
girigiri chop:  出动就不能停止
chopping block:  [board] 俎,砧板,肉礅。
chop shop:  地下拆车厂砍杀店汽车销赃店
Example Sentences:
1.He is a musician of the first chop
2.Hoping the jane outs new song more , a good song , also want to out english song more super order , bless the jane with the family everything is well , healthy body , all the luck , the business world first chop is your ? ? a jane
希望靓颖多出新歌,多出好歌,也要多出英文歌超级正点,祝福靓颖和家人一切安好,身体健康,万事如意,事业世间第一等就是你? ?张靓颖。
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